Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The CheeseWhiz effect

The title of my blog has a purpose. This morning I was up, and ready to go. Showered had everything ready and I was going to go out the door at 8:00 am. Well I had taken my toast out of the toaster and was going to put one of my favorite spreads on top...the cheesewhiz, and when I opened the fridge door there was no cheesewhiz, I was PO'd! and it ws 8:05 by this time so I didn't have a chnce to get nything else for breakfast. I then realized I had forgotten a book and had to go back in to the house to get it. My car has frost on it when I get out to drive to school (because I forgot to start my car like I usully do). Therefore holding me up more. Anyway I get to lindsay's at about 8:12 and leave for the university. And of course I hit morning traffic!! I HATE morning traffic.

It is now 8:31--I walk through the university doors, and for the life of me I can't remember what room my class is in. This makes me very upset, and I storm into the computer lab making me even later.

8:45--I finally walk through the doors of my first class, which is just jammed packed, so I can't really sneak in. I then have to survive 3 hours of this class...in HARD metal chairs. I look over the syllabus, and all I can think is this is a lot of work...my first test is the first of february.

Class finally ended at 11, that was nice, got out a half an hour early. I then got to eat and relax, for 2 hours, that is a really long break to be inbetween two 3 hour classes. Anyway, I hung out with Lindsay and watched a movie, which I didn't really get to finish...oh well. It was still lots of fun. I was starting to feel better and get into the day, I was actually looking forward to my next class. HAHAHA...looking forward to it!!!

1:00 pm--The start of class, again I am squished into an itty bitty room with all these students. Originally I thought this class wasn't going to be all that bad...I thought that I may enjoy this class, it's about families, and family nursing which I find interesting. IT'S ALL ABOUT THEORY!! Lindsay can back me up, before I left her I said, this class better have case studies, if not, well then it's not going to be a fun class.

Now to explain a few more things, I feel as if I'm taking 6 classes:

Class #1- Microbiology
Class#2- Nursing in complex situations
Class#3- Family Nursing
Class#4- Lab to Family Nursing (Which has assignments all on their own, because it is connected but completely on it's own, I wish you all could understand how mad that makes me)
Class#5- Lab to Nursing in complex situations
Class#6- Clinical!

Well this is my life for the next semester, I know it will go by fast, but seriously it looks oh so overwhelming when I initially look at it! I probably would have had a more optimistic outlook on all this if my day hadn't started out the way it did...IT'S ALL THE CHEESEWHIZ'S FAULT!