Tuesday, March 13, 2007

This is OH so cute

I borrowed this from someone else's blog...I just thought it was oh so cute!

Details on How to Win Over That Hopeless Romantic Girl Of Your Dreams(an insider perspective on the female mind)

1) When you ambiguously say "I'll call you, or you call me," Always always always make sure you call her first, even if you have to tattoo her phone number to the bottom of your foot.

2) If you actually like her, do NOT leave it up to her to arrange dates. You should take the initiative and suggest outings for the two of you. Yes, you may be a shy little mouse, but she is too and you'd seem like a hero for making the first move.

3) Unless she is absolutely, 300% sure that you are madly in love with her, the only hand-holding that she is going to initiate is to playfully grab your hand when she wants you to go somewhere with her. Take this as a HINT! Girls don't touch guys unless they want to. If she grabs your hand for practically no reason, chances are she'd much rather be holding it.

4)The first kiss. Don't be discourages if she doesn't try and kiss you. Please don't be afraid to kiss her; even if it doesn't work out it won't kill either of you. A little hint, if she's joked about kissing your various bumps and bruises better, then it's most likely she'd like to kiss much more than your hurt finger.

5) Win her heart: it's the little things that count. Bring her a daisy in the morning, take her for breakfast. Show up at her place of work after she's pulled a 9-hour shift, if only to walk her home.

6)Girls are silly. Laugh with them when you tease, hold them when they seem sad, and let them cry on your shoulder when something tragic happens.

7) We're not fragile, and you're not dating an invalid. She would love to have a snowball fight sometime, or have you wrestle her to the ground, and doesn't mind having her hair messed up while you flirt shamelessly with her.