Sunday, May 22, 2005


1. Kyla is a film student at Humber college
2. Fight Club...she's as zany as that she's the one who introduced me to the movie
3. Midnight 12 o'clock, Fun time, but not too wild that you are not aware of what is going on.
4. Creative--yup creative or bonkers, but I think creative is a nicer way to say it
5. Lately there have been a lot of memorable moments, late night talking, sleeping over at your house on an air matress, Waxing our legs on your suggestion :P
6. White tiger--Gorgeous, and enjoys being in the spotlight
7. If you'll still talk to me when you make it big! ;)

1 comment:

Kyla said...

Whee! Fight Club!

Thanks Jocie! That was super awesome!