Friday, June 03, 2005

sorry I ran out of air :)

yeah, there is way to musch sugar in my system. I left work way to happy today...why I have no clue! I'm just doing what I'm doing relaxing, blogging, playing freecell. Oh and listening to music! So my chest is still burnt, it's no longer a tomato red It's almost a bright pick now, so I would call it cotton candy pink. yup!

So I got my hair done yesterday! It's all pretty and colored and nicely cut now, my mother no longer tells me that I have to do something with my hair cause well I did!

I finished the book now...not the book, but I finished The sisterhood of the traveling pants. Kind of impressed with the book. I now would like to see the movie. It lookes cute...Yes I did say cute, but it's sad too. It's all about growing up, and living with the reallity of being a teenage girl and the survival of a friendship through it all! (Yet that all takes place in one summer)

My fingers feeling better, It no longer hurts to touch any part of the finger, now it's just where the pin when through that hurts. Yay no more pain, I seriously can not take pain for myself, if I have to do anything that involves pain I will not be able to do it...Well I guess that means no children. Sorry mom you won't get any grand children from me!! (except through adoption that I could suffer through!)

So I have no idea if I'm working next week or not, well I know I'm working at Reitman's if that helps. but I have no idea, if I'm working at the hospital, maybe i can arrange it that I don't start there until Monday! maybe she'll be reasonable about that. She does know I have a part-time job! The nurse manager, she wouldn't do something crazy like book me on thursday! would she?? I'm so worried! Hopefully God will take pity on me and have everything work out!

Well tonight I am going out which means I will have to shower!! yup shower I do that sometimes, get myself prettied up! ;) NIGHT ALL!


Kyla said...

You're beautiful all the time too!

Man, I have such hot friends...sometimes it's hard to keep up!

Andy said...

ooooh i wanna see your hair.. did you dye it a pretty color?