Friday, January 07, 2005

Back at School

So I kind of ignored anything to do with blogging over the christmas holidays, cause...well, I just didn't want to write. I have to write and think during school I wasn't willing to myself through trying to come up with understandable sentences, that everyone would enjoy so HA!!

Ok, so I'm back at school. Went back on the third of January. Talk about cruel. The public school system didn't even go back to school till the fourth. And even most places of employment waited till the fourth for people to return to work. So it was cruel to make the University students go back. Well not ALL university students are back at school. Some PEOPLE...(I will not name names, but you know who you are) even have another week after till they go back to University, or college. I nw that means I get out earlier than them but at this point...I DO NOT CARE!!! I'm tired, and I want to go back to bed! That was my complaining for the week. :) I probably won't complain anymore (now no laughing...I will try not to complain).

My first week of school was interesting. I got syllabuses, and everything else you get the first day of classes. I have 6 courses just like last semester.

Psych Life Span and Development (nursing course/psych course)
Biology Anatomy and Physiology (another nursing course)
Biology Anatomy and Physiology Lab (nursing course where I disect things...Yay)
Psychology 1004 (regular's a night class)
Nursing 1225 Nursing and Wellness (class part learn theories and textbook things)
Nursing 1235 Nursing and Wellness (Clinical Practicum...I go into the hospital!!!)

Those are my will keep me busy to say the least. On Febuary 28th alone I have two midterms, and it just keeps getting better and better. My Clinical shecdule seems like a draft that a two year old child did because it is just so confusing. I can't explain it becuase I don't know how it goes. All I know, if I'm not one place one date I'm supposed to be at another place. Than the day I go out in the community the opposite day I go to lab. than every opposite week I go to Clinical, and every other monday I have to pick up my assignments, at another place other than the University. Than I have independent labs to pass in on specific dates but they are my responsibility. Each group has a different time to go to lab, and than I have computer traing on any given day they assign. Yep...I know, It confused me...I wonder why! Biology seems like it will be much more fun. Keiffer teaches it. If any of you know who I mean, you know this semester will be much better than the last one. Lab will be the same...but I get to disect more things this term. Like an eye, a heart, and probably something else but I don't remember. Psych Life Span and Development should be interesting the prof seems really cool, and tests are only mutiple choice. And I like mutiple choice. Makes life ten times easier. Less trying to figure out the right way to say things, and the answer is right in front of me.

So all in all this semester should go I finish on April 23rd...yay, that means there could potentially be four months that I can work. Get a job save up for the next year that I have to go back to University. Atleast I'll be one year finished...and 3 left to go! YAY!

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