Monday, September 19, 2005


Yes I am still alive for those of you who thought I was gone. I am still here. I think I didn't update my blog because I was just bored and my life is not that interesting so I felt like there was nothing to tell.

Well there still is nothing much to tell, my life is pretty much the same. I'm in the second year of University. I am a Sophomore. Yay for me. I feel like I actually know something, I have a year behind. That doesn't not mean I am ready to get out there and start being a full time nurse. HA! that's a laugh and a half. But I know SOMETHING and that counts.

Well I tried to quit my job on Saturday, it didn't work to well I'll expalin all later. It was very WEIRD!

ooo, Sunday was fun!! No it was Awesome, no it was FANTASTIC!! We finally got to present puppetmaster to the church congregation. Funny story while we were practicing I was doing my falls, and the last time we did it. I smashed my knee into chairs. OUCH! It hurt, just a little bit. Than the actual performance was sunday morning, it went really well, I was actually very proud of all the youth who participated in the service. God got the Glory in that one cause I have no idea how it all came together. I found this morning when I woke up my hip and my shoulder are in a bit of pain. Guess what that is from.

Well this week has been going great. I feel renewed and so filled with peace. I feel as if God and I are on talking terms again. I'm trying and working at being a better christian and letting my faith shine through. Even today at work. I got an opportunity to express my faith, not so much talk about it or witness to anyone, just letting people know I'm a christian and it's important for me to go to church and what not.

Well I have chores to do, and I have some things to read. Sorry it took me so long to write on my blog again. I know you guys understand. Miss all of you Tons! God Bless



Lindsay said...

Well it's about dang time! I never see you, and we're on the same campus! What up with that??
We'll make plans..

Andy said...

you tried to quit and failed?

Explique svp...

Kyla said...

That was the skit we performed in Mexico...mime work is a great way to break the barrier...