Wednesday, November 29, 2006

my sickness

Well, since I've started blogging and psoting again, I figured you should hear about my lovely week!! don't worry It's very entertaining!! let's start with this last friday, Andrew asn I watched Jurassic Park 3, and I have to say, not my favorite. I think I like Jurassic Park 2 "The Lost World" more then the other two. But overall not a bad movie...raptors...a little scary, but not as scary as creepy girl crawling out of a well (for those of you who don't know, that is a reference to the ring, the one movie that I probably could STILL have nightmares about if I let it). Anyway...I worked saturday morning, only to find out that the nursing home has been contaminated, with what you might be asking...with NORWALK!! Well, It's not on the floor, I'm working on, so I should be fine. So what do I do that night, but work a night shift!! And of course, on one of my rounds, what do I do...clean up vomit.

This is fine...everything is fine...I sleep sunday, get together with people in my group to work on my project, present my project on monday. Realize that I have an assignment due monday that I have forgotten at home...ON MY BED!!! And it is due at 5 o'clock!! Guess waht time I realize 4:30 pm!! So I come home (at peak traffic times) and drive back to pass in this assignment. I finally come home and crash on the couch, and not 2 seconds after do I hear my mother asking me to take Mike down to the dollarstore...I was going to say no, cause well I was just so exhausted, but she bribed me with Ice cream...I couldn't refuse!! By this time though, I'm not feeling really good, something just feels off. But I think nothing of it...hahaha, oh it makes me laugh.

It's maybe 7pm monday night, I crawl into bed fully clothed really not feeling well now. By this time I haven't eaten since 10 am that morning, and all of a sudden, I see again what I ate at 10am that morning. The bathroom became my best friend that night. I never realized how pretty a toilet bowl looks, how nice and white and shiny it is. Well I concluded that I had Norwalk. And since I had Norwalk, I am not allowed working at the hospital till I'm 48 hours symptom free. And well 48 hours will be on Thursday night!! Let me just say though...this was the most sick I have been in 4 years. Anybody remember Czech repuclic...mmm...I sure do!!!

Czech Republic...came home...couldn't eat or keep anything down for a week. Woke up in the middle of the night in a sweat crying for my mom cause I started dry heaving, I was completely dehydrated. So MOM (I love this woman, but at this moment I didn't) made me drink water. And of course I would throw that she would make me drink MORE!!! I hated my mother that night!! But I survived...just like i survived this 48 hours norwalk virus, it comes and goes, but when it comes, it throws you a doosey!! Hope none of you get the aweful experience of it...and if you have all ready experienced norwalk...I truly feel for you.

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