Thursday, April 12, 2007

Proof of clumsiness

As the title suggests, I am now going to tell of different events that prove how clumsy I can be. I will admit to this, because well they are real events. I've noticed though, that I am only clumsy when I have something else on my mind, or when I am distracted.

Proof #1:
Last year, I was driving Mike and his friends down to the bank. While walking to the bank, I was talking with Mike and his friends and I wasn't even watching where I was going. What happened, I tripped and fell on my hands and knees. Scraped up my entire hand and my knee was quite scraped too.

Proof #2:
As I was pulling out A dish from the cupboard, a bowl to be precise, I some how caught it on other bowls, and pulled quite a few bowls from the cupboard. They all came crashing down to the counter and floor...4 bowls were broken. I then had to clean it all up. I believe I was thinking about the test I had that day, and about my exams coming up...I'm truly not sure.

Proof #3:
As I was walking to the car to leave for my test...I tripped, and fell...into rocks and mud. It really hurt. I cut my hands, bruised up my knee, got covered in mud. And there wasn't even anyone home to help me, my hands were completely full, and all I'm doing is sitting there crying on the steps. (BTW: I handle pain very badly)

Well, see this is what happens when there is way too much on my mind, and too much occupying my the exams I'm studying for right now. Anyway, Hope you enjoyed my proof of how clumsy I am...but if you read this blog...I know you have proof of your own clumsiness too!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I did IT!

Well I did my skills test, and I PASSED! Yay! yeah I passed my skills test, and I got tested on the one that I thought was the worst one, the one that I was the least prepared for!! But that's always the way. I would have taken anyone of them except Trach suction or care. But that's what I got! But yet I did it. Now I just have a few tests, and a few exams, you knokw nothing big.

I picked out my new sneakers today, their crosstrainers, that way I have more support for kick boxing and for running, and walking. I also picked up some flip flops, ah it's a sure sign that summer is right around the corner. Purple and grey, I've never had purple flip never having purple flip flops it seems like an oxymoron.

So it's easter weekend coming up, I have family coming and visiting so it should be a wonderful weekend. Also means I won't get a lot of studying in, so I better use the days I have off to my advantage and really buckle down and study instead of goofing around like I usually do.

Anyone ever have to evaluate yourselves...I find that the most annoying thing to do, you never know how you've done, but for my clinical I have to evaluate myself and then I have meet with my instructor and go over her evaluation of me, and then I decide if I agree or not. Seems a little pointless to me, but we do it...every single semester, every single clinical time. Whatever, only 2 more times and then I graduate, so I think I can put up with it.

I picked up a book today about different areas and job positions available throughout Canada and the United States. It's hard to believe this summer is when I can start contacting hospitals or companies that interest me. Let them know that I am graduating in may, therefore get paper work started. Amazing, isn't it.

Well I'll update you on job prospects when I know about them!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Skills Lab!!

Well this week I have my Skills Challenge!! It kind of sounds like something from American Gladiators...SKILLS CHALLENGE...Bum, bum, bummm.

My skills challenge is literally me standing there doing something perfectly for my instructor. This includes stuff like, giving an IM (intramuscular injection...a needle), Trach care, naropharyngeal suctioning, Chest tube care, butterfly needle access, and Total parenteral Nutrition. Yes, all this sounds so complicated, at least I'm only tested on 1 of these several skills. But wait, I don't know which one it is until I roll the dice. (literally I roll a dice and what ever number it falls on coincides with a list of skills that are numbered)

Therefore, I have to know each one of these skills inside and out! Because if I don't, I don't pass. And if I don't PASS, I won't be able to go on to 4th year, won't be able to graduate, won't be able to get a job, and won't be able to move out of my house, live on my own, find out what it's like to be independent, and create a life for myself. My life would be ruined because of one test or as they like to call it *Challenge*!

Well if I have a challenge coming up, I better go study for it...Anyone want to volunteer to practice on...I now know how to take BLoOd?? Anyone??