Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I did IT!

Well I did my skills test, and I PASSED! Yay! yeah I passed my skills test, and I got tested on the one that I thought was the worst one, the one that I was the least prepared for!! But that's always the way. I would have taken anyone of them except Trach suction or care. But that's what I got! But yet I did it. Now I just have a few tests, and a few exams, you knokw nothing big.

I picked out my new sneakers today, their crosstrainers, that way I have more support for kick boxing and for running, and walking. I also picked up some flip flops, ah it's a sure sign that summer is right around the corner. Purple and grey, I've never had purple flip never having purple flip flops it seems like an oxymoron.

So it's easter weekend coming up, I have family coming and visiting so it should be a wonderful weekend. Also means I won't get a lot of studying in, so I better use the days I have off to my advantage and really buckle down and study instead of goofing around like I usually do.

Anyone ever have to evaluate yourselves...I find that the most annoying thing to do, you never know how you've done, but for my clinical I have to evaluate myself and then I have meet with my instructor and go over her evaluation of me, and then I decide if I agree or not. Seems a little pointless to me, but we do it...every single semester, every single clinical time. Whatever, only 2 more times and then I graduate, so I think I can put up with it.

I picked up a book today about different areas and job positions available throughout Canada and the United States. It's hard to believe this summer is when I can start contacting hospitals or companies that interest me. Let them know that I am graduating in may, therefore get paper work started. Amazing, isn't it.

Well I'll update you on job prospects when I know about them!

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