Sunday, April 01, 2007

Skills Lab!!

Well this week I have my Skills Challenge!! It kind of sounds like something from American Gladiators...SKILLS CHALLENGE...Bum, bum, bummm.

My skills challenge is literally me standing there doing something perfectly for my instructor. This includes stuff like, giving an IM (intramuscular injection...a needle), Trach care, naropharyngeal suctioning, Chest tube care, butterfly needle access, and Total parenteral Nutrition. Yes, all this sounds so complicated, at least I'm only tested on 1 of these several skills. But wait, I don't know which one it is until I roll the dice. (literally I roll a dice and what ever number it falls on coincides with a list of skills that are numbered)

Therefore, I have to know each one of these skills inside and out! Because if I don't, I don't pass. And if I don't PASS, I won't be able to go on to 4th year, won't be able to graduate, won't be able to get a job, and won't be able to move out of my house, live on my own, find out what it's like to be independent, and create a life for myself. My life would be ruined because of one test or as they like to call it *Challenge*!

Well if I have a challenge coming up, I better go study for it...Anyone want to volunteer to practice on...I now know how to take BLoOd?? Anyone??


Kyla said...

I'm donating blood on Friday the 13th.


Jocelyn said...

It is very pleasant...well not really...that's my birthday too, isn't it exciting to have your birthday on a friday the 13th!