Thursday, August 10, 2006

August is Half way through

Well august is not completely half way through, but enough of it has passed that I know there's so much left this month that I have to do. But I have barely started any of it. For instance I still have things for Nursing to get down. Brush up on different methods of how to do skills, like how to insert a catheter. I can't exactly practice that one on anyone. After all, regular people don't need a catheter put in. Plus I wanted to do up some more drug cards this summer, or atleast read a few chapters in my pharmacology book. Than I need to plan events for the year for nursing society, that should go well. I'm looking forward to it.

Anyway, I haven't done much this week, hung out with friends, read an email or two, and lounged around the house. You'd think since I have all this extra since I'm not working that often that I should be using my time...yeah right, are you insane, me using time to do something I don't know maybe educational. Ok, I'm very tired, it might have something to do with staying up late every night this week. I have not gone to be before 2 am since sat. and this is Thursday night. I most definately need a good nights sleep.

Good Night


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